However, Martin Cid is not only an author but Yareah magazine editor, a cultural magazine which next month (May 2012), it has already announced: the issue is going to be dedicated to Love.
Q.- Why Love? To compensate Evil?
A.- They are two sides of the same coin. Mankind is fighting for happiness, but we have a dark side which pushes us to destroy our successes, maybe to can get them again. Immobility can be a hell too. Western mentality needs desires.
Q.- What were you looking for with this new book: Ten Masks of Evil?
A.- For readers, I know the most important is the plot. I try to be nice and to offer an engaging storyline, which provokes strong feelings, which involves them among the pages… but to me, as an author, the most important in a new structure, a novel split in ten short stories which compose a whole book.
Q.- Who is Milton Mills (M.M.)?
A.- He is you (laughs) and me, and everyone. He is the main character of Ten Masks of Evil but our dark side two. He hides several secrets: his birth, his capacity of seduction, his objective and his eternity. The reader must discover them, and discover his/her position in front of evil… a delicate question.
Q.- Then, what is your position in front of evil?
A.- (laughs) I have written a book to explain it. You know, it’s a book of long gestation. I started to write it more than ten years ago and it has been changing, not the first idea or the structure but the deep personality of the characters.
Q.- There are very many characters. Do you need so many to explain evil?
A.- No, but to explain is power. Every time, every place, every age… is full of evil, it’s part of our existence.
Q.- And love?
A.- Love too, as I said you before. However, it’s much more engaging evil than love when writing. In novels Love is always No Love… maybe Love at the end; precisely because the novel finishes…, no more to tell. With Yareah magazine is different, a magazine has very many articles, photos, short opinions and no end. Then, you can speak about Love: very necessary too.
Good luck, Martin Cid, with Ten Masks of Evil and with Yareah.